Wednesday, October 14, 2009


PART – A(10 x 2 = 20 Marks)

1. Take a linear search algorithms and discuss best-case time analysis.

2. Explain the basic of the Markov algorithm and discuss two ways in which such an

algorithm terminates.

3. What is the purpose of a stack in implementing a recursive procedure? Explain.

4. What is the need for using circular array to implement queues?

5. Give the tree T, find the inorder and postorder traversals.

6. Discuss the basis of the Buddy system of allocation. What type of fragmentation still


7. Discuss the timing analysis of the heap-sort algorithm.

8. What are the two broad classes of collision resolution techniques? Explain.

9. With an example explain the Huffman encoding scheme.

10. Explain how the size of a hashing table could be decreased when using (a)

linearhashing, (b) dynamic hashing.

PART – B(5 x 16 = 80 Marks)

11. i) Implement typical stack operation when stacks are represented using (1) arraysand

(ii) using singly linked lists. (8 Marks)

ii) Define a binary tree. (2 Marks)

iii) Give the iterative algorithm for the inorder traversal of a binary tree. (6 Marks)

12a. i) Design a string manipulation algorithm for duplicating a given character string

Ntimes. (6 Marks)

ii) Design an algorithm which trims off all the trailing blanks of a character string.(5


iii) Give a procedure that uses a stack in order to reverse the elements of a circularqueue

which is stored in an array. (5 Marks)


12b. i) Given as input a word form assigned to the variable WORD, derive function ORD-

SEARCH which searches the ordered array of words looking for the wordform. If the word

form is present, its index location is returned, else zero is returned. Any search

procedure can be used. (6 Marks)

ii) Assume we have a priority queue split into several queues.To access these queues we

have vectors of pointers to the front and rear of eachqueue and one to indicate the

length of each.Thus to access the front of the queue representing priority 2, one merely

starts at PRIORITY_F[2]. This representation allows each queue to be of different

length.Given this representation, devise algorithms to insert and delete from a

priorityqueue. (10 Marks)

13a. i) Give an algorithm to reverse the elements of a single linked lists without using a

temporary list. (6 Marks)

ii) Write algorithms to insert into and delete elements from a doubly linked list.(6 Marks)

iii) Write an algorithms to count the number of nodes in a given singly linked list.(4 Marks)


13b. i) Write algorithms to allocate and free nodes in a body system of memory

allocation. (10 Marks)

ii) Write an algorithm to add two polynomials when the polynomials are representedusing

singly linked lists. (6 Marks)

14a. i) Give the best case and worst case analysis of the binary search. (8 Marks)

ii) Write any one external sorting algorithm in detail. (8 Marks)


14b. i) Write an algorithm to delete a node from a binary search tree. (8 Marks)

ii) Give the radix sort algorithm in detail. (8 Marks)

15a. i) Give in detail the structure of a typical Indexed Sequential file. (8 Marks)

ii) Describe the direct file organization and give the procedure to retrieve a recordfrom a

direct file given the key. (8 Marks)


15b. Write notes on:-i. Garbage compaction (6 Marks)

ii. VASM Files (5 Marks)iii. Virtual Hashing (5 Marks)

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