Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Second Semester |
Information Technology |
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks |
Answer ALL questions. |
PART A — (10 ? 2 = 20 marks) |
1. How is data hiding implemented in C++? |
2. Compare overloading and overriding of functions. |
3. What are the functions of new and delete operators? |
4. What is the need for friend functions? |
5. Why do we need virtual functions? |
6. How do you overload a postfix and a prefix increment operator? |
7. When do we declare a coust member function? |
8. What are the properties of a static class member? |
9. What does system out represent in Java? How is it used? |
10. What is an abstract method in Java? |
PART B — (5 ? 16 = 80 marks) |
11. What are the basic principles of Object Oriented Programming? Explain with |
examples, how they are implemented in C++? |
12. (a) Create a class vector to represent an one dimensional vector with addition |
operator + to represent and a scalar product operator to represent . Use them in a main |
program. |
Or |
(b) Can the insertion operator <<>> be member s of a |
class? Give examples to justify your answer. |
13. (a) What are the different kinds of inheritance? Explain them with suitable |
examples. |
Or |
(b) Define a class Cartesian to represent a point in Cartesian co-ordinates and class |
polar to represent it in polar co-ordinates . Use constructor conversion and operator |
conversion functions in class Cartesian to convert object of one type into another. Use |
them in a main program. |
14. (a) Write a Java program to illustrate the difference between an instance variable |
and a class variable. |
Or |
(b) Write a Java program that creates a Date class and use it with appropriate |
members and methods. |
15. (a) Write a Java applet that asks the user to enter two floating point numbers, |
obtain the two numbers from the user and draws the sum and product of the two |
numbers. |
Or |
(b) Define a Java method to find the gr eatest among three numbers. Write a Java |
applet that obtains three numbers from the user and displays the largest using the |
method. |