Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Second Semester — Information Technology |
Fourth Semester — Industrial Bio–Tech |
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks |
PART A — (10 ´ 2 = 20 marks) |
Answer ALL questions. |
1.From an ordinary deck of 52 cards, we draw car ds at random, with replacement and |
successively until an ace is drawn, What is the probability that atleast 10 draws are |
needed? |
2.For a random variable , find . |
3.Let the conditional pdf of given be given by . Find . |
4.Let be uniformly distributed over and . Check if the random variables and are |
correlated? |
5.Check for the stationarity of the random process if and are constants and q is a |
uniformly distributed in . |
7.A salesman’s territory consists of 3 cities and . He never sells in the same city on |
successive days. If he sells in city then the next day he sells in . However, if he sells |
either in or ,then the next day he is twice as likely to sell in city A as in the other city. |
Find the transition probability matrix. |
8.An engine is to be designed to have a minimum reliability if 0.8 and a minimum |
availability of 0.98 over a period of hours. Determine the mean repair time and |
frequency of failure of the engine. |
9.Compute the mean time to failure of the component having a failur e rate , is a |
constant. |
10.Compare and contrast the Latin Square Design with the Randomised Block |
Design. |
What is meant by process control in industrial statistics? |
PART B — (5 x16 = 80 marks) |
11.(a)(i) A cost accountant is asked to set up a system for controlling waste in a |
certain department, converting rolls of paper into sheets. The pounds of waste are |
recorded by shifts for a period of 10 days as shown below; prepare and charts and |
indicate whether the process is in satisfactory control. (8) |
Days |
Shift 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
1 89 112 121 91 75 86 123 98 96 97 |
2 99 108 106 117 79 105 106 100 83 114 |
3 115 132 103 98 81 93 105 114 87 124 |
(ii) The data below gives the results of daily inspection of sewing machine needles for |
a particular quality characteristic. Compute the trial control limits and plot as a p– |
chart. Assume that the number of defectives follows a binomial distribution. Also |
comment on your finding. |
No. inspected : 110, 120, 30, 0, 35, 60, 165, 18, 140, 35, 190, 160, 35, |
50, 70. |
No. of defectives : 5, 8, 1, 0, 2, 3, 15, 2, 10, 0, 16, 20, 5, 5, 5. (8) |
12.(a) (i) A father asks his sons to cut their backyard lawn. Since he does not |
specify which of the three sons is to do the job, each boy tosses a |
coin to determine the odd person, who must then cut the lawn. In |
the case that all three get heads or tails, they continue tossing until |
they reach a decision. Let p be the probability of heads and |
, the probability of tails. Find the probability that they |
reach a decision in less than n tosses. If , what is the |
minimum number of tosses required to reach a decision with |
probability 0.95? (10) |
(ii) A woman and her husband want to have a 95% chance for atleast one boy and |
atleast one girl. What is the minimum number of children that they should plan to |
have? Assume that the events that a child is a girl and a boy are equiprobable and |
independent of the gender of other childr en born in the family. (6) |
Or |
(b) (i) Let the probability density function of X be |
for some . Using the method of distribution functions, calculate the probability density |
function of . (8) |
(ii) Suppose that, on average, a post office handles 10,000 letters a day with a |
variance of 2000. What can be said about the probability that this post office will |
handle between 8,000 and 12,000 letters tomorrow? (8) |
13.(a) There are 2 white marbles in urn A and 3 red marbles in urn B. At each step of |
the process, a marble is selected from each urn and the 2 marbles selected are |
interchanged. Let the state of the system be the number of red marbles in A after i |
changes. What is the probability that there are 2 r ed marbles in A after 3 steps? In the |
long run, what is the probability that there are 2 red marbles in urn A? |
Or |
(b) (i) Let be a Poisson process with rate l. For , show that |
. |
(ii) Suppose customers arrive at a store according to a Poisson process at a rate 10 per |
hour. Calculate the conditional probability that in |
5 hours 20 customers arrived given that in 10 hours 30 customers arrived. |
14.(a) Obtain the steady–state availability for a 2–unit parallel system with repair. |
Or |
(b) (i) Estimate the reliability and MTTF of the following system by assuming that the |
system are identical with constant hazard rate l. |
(4) |
(ii) Determine the failure rate of a 2–unit system subject to preventive maintenance at |
every 1000 hours. A unit failure rate is 0.01 per |
100 hour. (6) |
(iii) Let be the failure rate of a component. The component has only two states : state |
0 : the component is good and state 1 : the component is failed. Obtain the reliability |
of the component. (6) |
15.(a) A laboratory technician measures the breaking strength of each of 5 kinds of |
linen threads by using four different measur ing instruments, and obtains the following |
results, in ounces : |
Thread 1 20.9 20.4 19.9 21.9 |
Thread 2 25.0 26.2 27.0 24.8 |
Thread 3 25.5 23.1 21.5 24.4 |
Thread 4 24.8 21.2 23.5 25.7 |
Thread 5 19.6 21.2 22.1 22.1 |
Analyse the data using the .05 level of significance. |
Or |
(b) An experiment was designed to study the performance of 4 different detergents for |
cleaning fuel injectors. The following ‘‘cleanness’’ readings were obtained with |
specially designed equipment for 12 tanks of gas distributed over 3 different models |
of engines : |
Engine 1 Engine 2 Engine 3 Totals |
Detergent A 45 43 51 139 |
Detergent B 47 46 52 145 |
Detergent C 48 50 55 153 |
Detergent D 42 37 49 128 |
182 176 207 565 |
Perform the ANOVA and test at .01 level of significance whether there are |
differences in the detergents or in the engines. |
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