Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Fourth Semester |
Information Technology |
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks |
Answer ALL questions. |
PART A — (10 ´ 2 = 20 marks) |
What is meant by thrashing? |
Explain the difference between logical address and physical address space. |
What is the purpose of system calls? |
Explain the difference between symmetric and asymmetric multiprocessing. |
The ratio between the main memory cycle time and cache memor y time is 8 : 1. |
Calculate the effective memory cycle time for a system who cache miss ratio is 6%. |
What is a Time sharing system? |
What is a Context switch? |
What is dynamic loading and dynamic linking? |
Define the essential properties of real time Operating System. |
What are the advantages of having an inverted page table? |
PART B — (5 ´ 16 = 80 marks) |
(i) Discuss the critical section problem with one example. (8) |
(ii) Briefly explain the Threads support in Solaris 2 Operating system. (8) |
(a) Consider the following snapshot of a system. Execute Banker's algorithm answer |
the following : |
Allocation Max Available |
001 001 152 |
100 175 |
135 235 |
063 065 |
001 065 |
(i) Is the system in a safe state? If the system is safe, show how all the process could |
complete them execution successfully. Explain. (10) |
(ii) If a request f rom process arrives (0, 4, 2) can the request be granted? (6) |
Or |
(b) Consider the following page reference string. |
1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 1, 5, 6, 2, 1, 2, 3, 7, 6, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 6. |
Calculate the number of page faults would occur f or the following page r eplacement |
algorithm with frame size of 3 and 4. Initially all the frames are empty. |
(i) LRU |
(ii) FIFO |
(iii) Optimal. (16) |
(a) Assume the following workload in a system. All jobs arrive at time 0 in the order |
given. Lower number is the highest priority. |
Job Burst time Priority |
A 10 3 |
B 6 1 |
C 7 4 |
D 4 2 |
(i) Give a Gantt chart illustrating the execution of three job using FCFS, Round Robin |
(quantum = 3) and SJF. (6) |
(ii) Calculate the average waiting time for each of the above scheduling algorithm. |
(10) |
Or |
(b) (i) List five services provided by an Operating System. Explain how each provides |
to the users. (8) |
(ii) Explain the linked file allocation method. What are its advantages and |
disadvantages? (8) |
(a) (i) What is DMA transfer? Explain all the steps involved in a DMA transfer. (8) |
(ii) Briefly explain the different assembly language statements. (8) |
Or |
(b) Briefly explain the Disk Management and Swap Space Management. (16) |
(a) Discuss briefly the various issues involved in implementing Inter Process |
Communication (IPC) in message passing system. (16) |
Or |
(b) (i) Explain the difference between External Fragmentation and Internal |
Fragmentation. How to solve the fragmentation problem using Paging? (7) |
(ii) Compare short term, medium term and long term scheduling. (9) |
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