Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 100 |
Answer all questions |
PART – A |
(10 x 2 = 20 Marks) |
1. Determine the Fourier Series representation of x(t)=Cos4?t + sin 8?t. |
2. What is the relation between the autocorrelation and power spectral density of a |
random signal? Explain. |
3. Calculate the transmission bandwidths required when voice signal having a |
bandwidth of 4KHZ is transmitted using amplitude modulation and frequency |
modulation. Assume ?=5. |
4. What do you understand by FM threshold? Explain. |
5. State and explain sampling theorem for band limited signals. |
6. What are the causes of Inter Symbol Interface(ISI)?. Explain how eye pattern is |
used to measure ISI. |
7. Differentiate between coherent and non-coherent demodulation. |
8. Compare the performances of M-ary PSK and M-ary PSK modulation schemes. |
9. List the properties of Pseudo Noise Sequence used in direct sequence spread |
spectrum system. |
10. What are the advantage of cyclic block codes over linear block codes? |
PART - B |
(5 x 16=80 Marks) |
11. Consider an amplitude modulated signal S(t)=5 (1+0.5 cos 2000?t +0.5 cos |
4000?t+cos 6000?t) cos 25,000?t. |
a. Sketch the frequency of spectrum of S(t) |
b. Find the total power , the sideband power and power efficiency |
c. Find the modulation index. |
12a. i) State the Dirichlet condition to be satisfied for Fourier Series and Transform |
representation . |
ii) Find the Fourier co-efficient of a periodic pulse train of period T0. |
(OR) |
12b. Explain direct method FM signals generation and slope detector for
demodulation. |
13a. i) Draw the block diagram of Pulse code Modulator and explain. |
ii) Differentiate between granular noise and slope overload noise and slope overload |
noise in delta modulation. |
(OR) |
13b. Derive an expression for the impulse response of a matched filter working under |
white noise and hence show that it is equivalent to the time. correlate |
14a. Explain Binary PSK and Binary FSK modulation and demodulation with the help |
of block diagrams. |
(OR) |
14b. Derive an expression for bit error probability for quadrate PSK receiver and draw |
the block diagrams for the modulator and demodulator. |
15a. Draw the block diagrams of Direct Sequence and Frequency Hopping spread |
spectrum transmitters and explain. |
(OR) |
15b. Write notes on the following |
i. Cyclic codes |
ii. Adaptive Delta Modulation. |