Saturday, December 26, 2009
Time: 3hrs Max Marks: 100
Answer all Questions
PART - A (10 x 2 = 20 Marks)
1. What are the different components of eco system?
2. List the different Biogeo chemical cycles in the environment.
3. List the different natural and man made impacts on the environment.
4. Define policy cycle.
5. Differentiate between trickling filter process and activated sludge process.
6. What are the issues addressed by Montreal Protocol and Kyoto Protocol?
7. List out the factors on which the amount of waste generation depends.
8. What are the different modules of green chemistry expert system (GCES)?
9. Define the polluter pays principle.
10. Give a very important, current environmental issue, which creates a major problems to the environment.
PART - B (5 x 16 = 80 Marks)
11. Explain the concept of “Sustainable Development”.
12.a) What are the components of the environment? Explain their inter – relationship. (OR) 12.b) What are the causes and effects of air, water and land pollution? Enumerate a few remedial measures.
13.a) Define sewage and explain the municipal sewage treatment process.
13.b) i) Explain the importance of protecting Biodiversity.
ii) Explain different methods of air pollution control.
14.a) Write detailed note on waste minimization.
(OR) 14.b) Explain the concept of clean technology, Eco- mark and Green chemistry?
15.a) Explain in Detail the Role of non-government organizations on the environment. (OR) 15.b) Explain in detail the process of EIA.
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Tags System Software
Third semester
Computer Science and Engineering
(Regulation 2004)
Time: 3 hours Maximum marks: 100
Answer ALL questions
PART A (10 x 2 =20 marks)
1. Define System Software and System Program .
2. What is Index addressing mode?
3. What is meant by forward references?
4. What is the difference between literals and immediate operand?
5. What is linking?
6. What is the use of ESTAB data structure in linking loader?
7. Compare Macros and Subroutines .
8. What are the advantages of using line by line macro processor?
9. What do you mean by Trace back?
10. What is the purpose of Voice Input Devices?
PART B (5 x 16 = 80)
11(a) Explain in detail, the architecture of SIC/XE machine. (16)
(b) Describe the architecture of SIC machine.
12. (a) (i) What are the data structures used in Assembler? How these data structures
are organized? (8)
(ii) Write the algorithm for Pass one of Assembler. (8)
(i) What is the need for program block? Explain the program block in detail. (8)
(ii) Write notes on Control Sections and Program Linking. (8)
13 (a) Explain the different Machine Dependent Loader features in detail. (16)
(b)(i) Write notes on Dynamic Linking. (8)
(ii) Explain the design of absolute linking. (8)
14. (a) (i) Write the algorithm for One Pass Macro Processor (12)
(ii) Describe the method of concatenating macro instruction parameters with other
character strings. (4)
(i) Write the Macro processing feature of ANSI C Programming language. (8)
(ii) Describe the conditional macro expansion with example (8)
15. (a) (i) Describe the functions and capabilities of an interactive debugging system.
(ii) Discuss the nature of the user interface for an interactive debugger.
(b) Briefly discuss about
(i) Concatenation of macro parameters.
(ii) Generation of unique labels.
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Tags System Software
Sixth Semester Electronics and Communication Engineering
EC 1006 – MEDICAL ELECTRONICS (Regulation 2004)
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
Answer ALL questions.
PART A - (10 x 2 = 20 marks)
1. Define resting and action potential.
2. Define Latency as related to EMG.
3. What are Korotkoff sounds?
4. What is a colorimeter? State its use.
5. Draw the block diagram of a Bio – Telemetry system.
6. Distinguish between internal and External pacemakers.
7. Distinguish between Radiography and Fluoroscopy.
8. What is Angiography?
9. What is Thermography? State its applications.
10. What are the functions of endoscopy unit?
PART –B (5x16 = 80 Marks)
11. a) i) What is Half cell potential? [2 Marks]
ii) What are the three types of electrodes and mention its use.[6 marks]
iii) Discuss Microelectrodes in detail [8 marks]
b) i) Bring out the salient features of Phonocardiography [8 marks]
ii) With suitable diagrams explain the method of measurement of conduction velocity in peripheral nerves. [8 marks]
12. a) i) Describe the measurement of PH in blood. [8 marks]
ii) Describe the principle of working of an Electrophoresis apparatus. [8 marks]
b) i) Define Cardiac output [2 marks] ii) Explain the measurement of Cardiac output by indicator Dilution method. [8 marks]
iii) What are the drawbacks of Indicator Dilution method and how is it overcome? [6 marks]
13. a) Discuss with suitable block diagrams the different modes of operation of cardiac pacemakers [16 marks]
b) i) What is a Defibrillator? [2 marks]
ii) Distinguish between internal and External Defibrillators.[6 marks]
iii) With block diagram describe the operation of Synchronised DC Defibrillator. [10 marks]
14. a) Draw the block diagram of an X-ray machine and explain the function of each block. [16 marks]
b) Write short notes on
i) Image intensifiers. [8 marks]
ii) Fluoroscopy [8 marks]
15. a) i) Discuss the various applications of lasers in different fields of medicine [10 marks]
ii) Mention the specific advantages of Laser Surgery. [6 marks]
b) i) What are micro shocks and macro shocks? [4 marks]
ii) What is meant by Let go current? [2 marks]
iii) Tabulate the physiological effects of current at 50Hz. [6 marks]
iv) Explain the working of ground fault Interrupter. [4 marks]
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Thursday, December 10, 2009
2. Distinguish between fault and failure.
3. Which Testingng strategy is best to uncover the defect? Why?
4. What is a control flow graph?
5. How would you define a software unit for object oriented code?
6. Why is it so important to design a test harness for reusability?
7. List any two importance of testing plan.
8. What is role of manager in support of test group?
9. What should be included in milestone report for testing?
10.Define test measurement process.
PART B - (5 X 16 = 80 marks)
11. (a) (i) Why is it important to meticulously inspect test result? Give Example.(10)
(ii)Discuss the drawbacks incase if you fail to inspect(6)
(b) (i)Why is it necessary to develop test cases for both valid and invaiid input condition? (8)
(ii) How important is document for product? How will you test requirement and design document? (8)
12. (a) Develop black-box test cases using equivalence class partitionirig and boundary value analysis to test a module for ATM system. (16)
(b) Imagine yowrself as a developer of flight control system. Describe any three test adequacy criteria you would consider applying to develop test cases for flight Control system. (16)
13. (a) List and explain types of system test(16)
(b) Develop a usecase to describe a user purchase of a laptop with credit card from a online vendor using web-based software. With use case,design a set of tests you would use during system test. (16)
14. (a)Why is testing plan important for developing a repeatable and managedtesting process? Give example. (16)
(b)What role do user/client play in the development of test-plan for a project? Should they be Present at any of the test plan reviews. Justify your answer. (16)
15. (a)If you are developing a patient record system for health care center, why of the stop test will be most appropriate for this system? (16)
(b) What is the role of the tester in supporting, monitoring and controlling of testing? (16)
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
9 comments Posted by VINU at 7:34 AMBE/B.Tech .DEGREE EXAMINATION ,NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2008.
Seventh Semester
(Regulation 2004)
Electronics and Communication Engineering
(Common to B.E.(Part-time)Sixth semester Regulation 2005)
Time:Three hours Maximum:100
Answer All Questions
PART-A-(10*2=20 marks)
1.Distinguish between CISC and RISC.
2.What are the failures associated with CPU over clocking?
3.List the features handled by a south bridge chip?
4.List the core features of a modern BIOS.
5.What is the memory cache and what are its advantages?
6.What are zonal recording and write compensation techniques employed in hard drives?
7.List the features of IEEE 1284 mode for the parallel port.
8.List the features of Direct X.
9.What are the three components involved in PnP system?
10.List the different phases of operation involved in the SCSI communication.
11. a) (i) Describe the performance enhancement features found in modern
(ii) Explain the critical elements of any PC that influence over clocking.
b) (i) Discuss the different modes of operation that have evolved for a PC.
(ii) Discuss the salient features of different memory types.
12.a) (i) Show the block diagram of a typical chipset and explain the functions performed
by North bridge chip.
(ii) Explain the BIOS shortcomings and compatibility issues.
b) (i) Explain the boot process.
(ii) Show the block diagram of a typical Pentium 4 motherboard and explain the function
of various blocks.
13. a) (i) Discuss the use of hard drive cache and explain the current enhancements
implemented in the cache management circuitry.
(ii) Explain the block diagram of a typical hard drive electronics system.
b) (i) Explain the block diagram of a typical CD drive.
(ii) Explain IDE drive standard and its features.
14. a) (i) Show the parallel port timing diagram and describe the standard sequence of
events in a parallel port.
(ii) Explain briefly the audio benchmarks.
b) (i) Discuss briefly the various features offered by the 3D graphics accelerators.
(ii) Explain the function of various signals on serial port.
15. a) (i) Discuss briefly the features of current PCI bus and explain the function of
various signals on a PC bus.
(ii) Discuss the characteristics of USB
b) (i) List the major differences between PCI and AGP and explain the block diagram of
an AGP interface.
(ii) Describe the requirements for PnP and outline the special requirement for
implementing PnP under DOS?
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