Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Answer ALL questions. |
PART A — (10 x 2 - 20 marks) |
1. Sketch the schematic to generate separate read/write control signals for memory |
and I/O related signals in 8085. |
2. Calculate the execution time of an instruction MVI A, 82 H in 8085 runs at 2 MHz. |
3. Write an assembly language progr am of 8085 to add two numbers stored in |
memory locations 4040 H and 4041 H. Save the sum in location 4042 H. |
4. Assume register B holds 93 H and the accumulator holds 15 H. Illustrate the |
results of the instructions ORA B, XRA B and CMA. |
5. Mention some of the applications of Rotate Instructions. |
6. Design an 8-key input port with device address FF H using a 3 to 8 decoder to |
interface with 8085. |
7. How many interrupt sources are available in 8051? What are they? |
8. Write short description on register bank registers and their uses. |
9. What is called "read-modify-write"? |
10. Why do you need a driver in between the microcontroller and the stepper motor? |
PART B — (5 x 16 = 80 marks) |
11.(a) |
(i) Design an interfacing circuit using a 3-to-8 decoder to interface the 2732 EPROM |
memory chip (4096 x 8), so that the memory address of this chip ranges from 0000 H |
to 0 FFFH. (8) |
(ii) Two machine codes 3E H and 32 H are stored in memory locations 2000 H and |
2001 H respectively. The first machine code 3E H represents the opcode to load a data |
byte in the accumulator and |
the second code 32 H represents the data byte to be loaded in the accumulator. |
Illustrate and explain the bus timings of 8085 as these machine codes are executed. |
(8) |
Or |
(b) (i)Describe an 8085 interrupt process. (8) |
(ii) Write short notes on RST (RESTART) instructions. (8) |
12.(a)Write down the comparison of |
(i) Memory mapped I/O and peripheral I/O. (8) |
(ii) CALL, RET and PUSH, POP instructions. (8) |
Or |
(b) (i) Sixteen bytes of data are stored in memory locations at XX 50 H to XX 5F H. |
Write a program to transfer the entire block of data to new memory locations starting |
at XX 70 H. Using 8085 instructions. (8) |
(ii) Registers BC contain 8538 H and registers DE contain 62A5 H. Write instructions |
to subtract the contents of DE from the contents of BC and place the result in BC. (8) |
13.(a) List the elements of the 8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface (PPI) and |
explain its various operating modes. (16) |
Or |
(b) With a block diagram of 8279 keyboard/display controller, explain its function. |
(16) |
14.(a) (i)Explain how the memory is organized in 8051 family of controller. |
(8) |
(ii) What are the functional blocks available in 8051? Explain with a block diagram. |
(8) |
Or |
(b) (i) How does the timer operate in 8051 in mode 2? Explain with suitable diagram. |
(8) |
(ii)Assuming XTAL = 11.0592 MHz, write a 8051 assembly language program to |
generate a square wave of 50 Hz frequency on pin P 2.3. (8) |
15. (a) (i) How many addressing modes ar e available in 8051? Explain them with |
examples. (8) |
(ii) Tabulate the program control instructions of 8051 and explain any five of them. |
(8) |
Or |
(b) (i) How do you interface a stepper motor to a controller? Give the necessar y |
hardware and software functional blocks. (8) |
(ii) Code a program to rotate stepper motor continuously using 8051. (8) |