Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Fifth Semester |
Computer Science and Engineering |
(Regulation 2004) |
Time:3 hrs Maximum:100marks |
Answer ALL questions. |
PART A-(10X2=20 marks) |
1.Define Adimistration. |
2.Explain unity of direction. |
3.What is Mission? |
4.Brief on Operational Planning. |
5.What is decentralisation? |
6.Define Staffing. |
7.What is Power Motive? |
8.Give the meaning of social need. |
9.Write any two HR related controlling technique. |
10.What are the various types of functional budgets? |
PART B-(5X16=80 marks) |
11.(a)Discuss the various functions of Management. |
Or |
(b)Mention the scientific principles of management and also specify the features of |
scientific management. |
12.(a)What are the steps in planning?And explain. |
Or |
(b)Discuss various forecasting techniques normally adopted. |
13.(a)Name the factors determing departmentation.Also mention the bases of |
departmentation and give examples. |
Or |
(b)Explain the various techniques used in selection process. |
14.(a)Explain Maslow's theory of Motivation and Compare and Contrast xy theory. |
Or |
(b)Discuss communication through electronic media for effective business. |
15.(a)What are the steps in controlling process and state the essentials of effective |
control. |
Or |
(b)What is budgetary control and explain its significance. |