Wednesday, November 4, 2009
MG1351 Principles of management – May/June 2009 |
Part A |
1. Define management |
2. What is meant by espirit de corps? |
3. Define Strategies |
4. Define planning premises |
5. What is SBU? |
6. What is span of management? |
7. Define motivation |
8. What is meant by job enlargement? |
9. What is critical point control? |
10. Define productivity |
Part B |
11 (a) Define management. What is meant by management process? How do the |
required managerial skills differ in organization hierarchy? |
(OR) |
(b) Mention the different schools of management. Discuss the contribution of human |
behavior school. |
12.(a) Define MBO. Describe the benefits and weaknesses of MBO and ways to |
overcome them. |
(OR) |
(b) Distinguish between programme and non programmed decision and discuss the |
modern approaches to decision making under uncertainty. |
13. (a) Define matrix organization. Why matrix organization is used? Discuss the |
problems with matrix management and guidelines for making matrix management |
effective. |
(OR) |
(b) Analyze the position requirements, important characteristics of job design and |
characteristics needed by managers. |
14. (a) Discuss the various leadership behaviour and styles r anging from maximum to |
minimum. |
(OR) |
(b) Discuss the maslows need hierarchy theory. Compare and contrast the maslow and |
herzberg theory of motivation. |
15. (a) Explain the traditional and modern technologies of budgeting in detail. |
(OR) |
(b) Describe the tools and techniques other than operations research for improving the |
productivity and discuss the future of operations research. |